I had the day off today, but with all the tweets coming out of an Express-News staff meeting this morning, it almost felt like I was there.
Executives from Hearst Corp., which owns the San Antonio Express-News, met with staff and answered questions about the future of the paper. Here’s an outline of what was said, courtesy of Storify:
Hearst execs visit the San Antonio Express-News, discuss future of journalism
Interesting questions and answers today at an Express-News staff meeting with our corporate overlords from Hearst , Frank Bennack and Steve Swartz.
Several journalists tweeted the conversation. Among the highlights: Express-News readers with a 7-day subscription will get free access to an iPad app., and the Express-News could consolidate copy desks with the Houston Chronicle.
- @EvaRuth Pre-pin drop, at Express-News town hall mtg. twitpic.com/3g6ey8
- @richardcoliver is already snoring. you can hear it all over the room. props to the bldg for great acoustics
- EN Reporter Colin McDonald asks how will the way journalists work/longform journalism be affected by iPad/digital focus #GoodQuestion
- The bigger the screen, the bigger the attention span. Hearst’s Steve Swartz says tablet favors long-form & investigative journalism.
- Steve Swartz, Hearst newspaper prez, says people don’t go to website for long journalism. They go for quick hits.
- @SAEN_Photo asks important question about why put all this focus on iPad/visual mediums, but yet not put as much focus on photos/multimedia